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5 Ways a Great Real Estate Agent Can Make the Home Buying Experience Easier

Real Estate Agents Have the Most Reliable Home Information There are literally hundreds of options out there to search for a new home on your own as long as you have the time to commit. However; not all the information is always current or accurate. Real Estate agents have access to MLS which provides detailed […]

5 Things to Consider When Choosing a New Home Site

Home for sale in elon nc

Choosing to build a new home is a decision that turns into more decisions. What builder to select, what floor plan, how much to spend, and where to build, are all decisions to be made when building a new home. If you’re familiar with real estate language, one thing you’ll hear real estate agents often […]

Property for Sale in Greensboro: Finding the Right Lot for You

The last several years have seen more transitions in the real estate market than perhaps ever before. If you are doing a property search in Greensboro, then you should be aware of all the possibilities and the resources available to help you do so in the most efficient way possible. Here’s is what you need […]

Greensboro Real Estate Listings: Using MLS to find a New Home Listings

new homes in Greensboro

Are you in the market for a new home in the Greensboro area? These days the best place to start is the Internet. Searching for a new home on MLS (multiple listings service) databases can be overwhelming. There are a plethora of homes available and it is helpful to condense the number down to a […]

Houses for Sale in Greensboro: Why You Need a Realtor for Your Search

Home for sale in elon nc

When it comes to buying and selling homes in this day and age, some people are forgoing the use of a Realtor and attempting to go it alone. While this may work for real estate savvy people, for most of us it is still wiser to employ the expertise of a Realtor. When you are […]

Choosing the Right Real Estate Agent

Whether you are in the market for a new home or need to sell your current home (or both), choosing the right real estate broker can make a big difference in the outcome of your experience. Your realty company helps you to find homes that meet your needs when you are house hunting. And when […]

More Houses for Sale in Greensboro, NC: The 2016 Housing Market Outlook

As our country continues to recover from the recession, the housing market is recovering as well. Home values are rising and are nearly back to what they were a decade ago. The housing market affects nearly every American and both impacts and reflects the current economic status of our country. So what does this mean […]

Buying and Selling – Greensboro Real Estate Made Easy

You’ve decided it’s time for a new home. Maybe your family has outgrown your current home or it’s time to downgrade now that the kids are grown up and on their own. Whatever the reason, you need to buy a new home and sell your current home. This can be done in three basic ways: […]